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Product card

Change layout, content and display variant options

  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings
  2. Locate Product card
  3. Make necessary changes
  4. Save

Layout image

Product card style

  • Show vendor: display vendor/brand names under the product title.

  • Show quick view: let customers preview product information without needing to go to the product page.

  • Show price: display price of product

  • Show badge: hide or show the sale badge in % discount or text.

  • Image: Set the suitable Aspect ratio for your image card.

product demo

  • There are 9 styles to select from:

product card image

product demo

  • Setting the product card color scheme in the theme settings only works when the 'Enable distinct color scheme' option is not turned on for any product card section

product demo

product demo

  • The product card's content can be set as left, center or right.

  • Image padding : Determine the space between image and content

product demo

  • Style border and Shadow