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Brand v3

List of collaborative brands. It is a type of proof that builds trust and confidence among your potential customers.

brand img


Add Brand to the home page

  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section
  2. Locate Brand
  3. Save

1. Layout settings

Container type: You can choose among Box, Wide, Fullwidth for the brand layout.

layout setting

Column: Determine the number of brand shown per row and the gap between columns.
Autoplay: run the carousel automatically

layout setting

2. General settings

Color schema: Set text color and background color with preset scheme
Background image The priority is higher than Background color
Section padding allows you to specify the space between the testimonials and the preceding or following sections, or both.

banner demo

3. Block settings

Choose a representative image of the brand and add a link banner demo Image can be in svg format