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Product information settings

Accurate, reliable, and in-depth product details help customers find the information they need to make buying decisions. This section provides crucial data that belongs to an individual product such as price, title, buy buttons, etc. You can change the product information by re-ordering, removing, and adding blocks.

product information

  1. In the theme editor (Customize), open the template selector
  2. Select Products, then Default product.
  3. On the left-sidebar, add Product information.
  4. Make necessary changes > Save.

Layout settings

  1. Control the container type: box, wide.
  2. Control the product information layout:

Standard top

Grid 1 column

  1. Display the "Show add to Wishlist", "Enable sticky" icon button.



Product media

Display thumbnails and pagination on the mobile version.

Product media

Sticky add to cart

You can enable/ disable the feature on both mobile and desktop.
You can also add other buttons such as compare (for product comparison), wishlist, and dynamic checkout.

sticky add to cart

General settings
