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Collection main

The main collection is the collection you choose to display on the collections page. There are many features to help you customize it, follow this article.

Collection image

Colection layout

1. Container type:

There are 2 types of layout Box, Wide

2. Product per page:

You can set the limitation of the products per page.

3. Columns limit:

Determine the number of product shown per row.

4. Select collection style:

Collection image

5. Sidebar layout:

Set the alignment for the sidebar (Left, Right).

Collection image

6. Select filter style


Only collection style fullwidth

Collection image

Select products loading type: There are 2 types of layout Pagination, Infinity scroll

Select product layout

Collection image

Best sellers settings

Select Show best sellers to display

Use the provided text field to add a suitable title.

Columns limit: Determine the number of product shown per row.

Select collection show products

Collection image

Select Show banner modern to display

Collection image


Image size recommended: 980 x 355.

Select Show banner sidebar to display

Collection image

Filtering and sort

Collection image

Mobile layout

Collection image

product card

Collection image