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Footer v2

Appears and features information at the bottom of the page

The footer is the section of content at the bottom of a web page. The footer menu typically contains quick links to your homepage, about us page, blogs page, contact page, policy page, etc.

A great website footer will help your visitors navigate your site and will lead to a greater ecommerce experience.

footer image

  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings
  2. Locate Footer
  3. Make necessary changes
  4. Save

Container type: You can choose among Box, Wide, Fullwidth for the collection layout.

Use the newsletter signup form to collect your customers' email addresses for email marketing campaign purposes.

Display the existing menu you created in Shopify admin > Navigation. To create menu.


For copyright, you need to enter the correct code below. If there are any changes, only change the text Engo-theme, ShopiLaunch, Powered by Shopify.

© Copyright 2024 | <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-v25__theme-name">Engo-theme</a> By <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-v25__shop-name"> ShopiLaunch.</a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="footer-v25__powered-shopify"> Powered by Shopify.</a>

footer demo

General settings:
Color schema: Set text color and background color with preset scheme

Section padding allows you to specify the space between the testimonials and the preceding or following sections, or both.

banner demo